Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Baby is Now A Lady

Another first for me and my eldest daughter.  Today, my baby became a lady.  I have been trying to prepare myself for this day -- but maybe it's just me, but I took this experience as an emotional one. When my daughter asked for my help to check whether this is the big day -- and after confirming that it is -- I found myself in tears.  It was a mixed emotion.  (And my daughter thinks I'm a loonie for crying about it). As a woman, I knew that this day would come.  Maybe I wasn't ready to let go of my baby.  Perhaps I wasn't emotionally prepared.  Maybe I have fears that she was growing up so fast.  

When I broke into tears, my daughter hugged me and assured me that things would be okay.  Then I realized, I was scared -- not for my daughter but for myself.  That one day, soon enough, my baby would need to go out in this world.  For the first time, I feared of being alone.  Yeah, soon she has to go and face whatever fate has for her.  But yeah, I guess I'm just being too emotional.  Hey, don't blame me -- I have the best relationship with my daughters.  I guess that's just the way it is --- I have to face and enjoy this new chapter in our life.  I have to learn to realize and embrace that my baby is now a lady.

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