Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy new year everyone.  It's 2010.  It's time for new year resolutions and self-promises.  I came across this saying while surfing the internet today.  And I've decided that this will be my new year's resolution for 2010 - 

"Live for today and not for tomorrow ...
Live for the NOW and what is here ...
Stop living for MAYBE or what may never come ...
Live --- for the day is already here"

2009 was a fruitful year for me.  It had its ups and downs but our Creator never failed to be generous to me.  The year 2009 made me realized things and taught me too much. I know  they would mold me to a become a better person.  The challenges I've had and the lessons learned will forever guide me to the right path.  I will be facing my life of  2010 armored with prayers, wisdom, strength, family and friends' support.  Hope your 2010 will be a good year.  I know mine will -- Happy new year!  Let's start living each day of 2010 !!!